viernes, 26 de julio de 2019

Henning Lowenstein Research Award 2019

Henning Lowenstein Research Award 2019

Biennial award given to a young scientist who has shown excellence within the field of Allergy.

The ARIA-EUFOREA Henning Løwenstein Research Award is a biennial award given to a young scientist who has shown excellence within the field of allergy. The winner will receive € 20,000 and will be offered a travel grant to attend the EUFOREA Forum (Research, Innovation and Education in allergy and Airway Diseases) in Barcelona, Spain, 13th-15th November 2019. Scientists are invited to apply for the ARIA-EUFOREA Henning Løwenstein Research Award.Deadline for applicants: 31 August 2019. 

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Journal Club del CRAIC: Efecto de los lentes de contacto liberadores de antihistamínicos sobre los síntomas oculares y el comportamiento de tratamiento en pacientes con conjuntivitis alérgica estacional: Un estudio retrospectivo

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